Monday, October 26, 2009

Ignore the Woman Behind the Green Curtain

You know what I'm learning about how to have a successful weight loss blog? It helps if the author is actually losing weight. I mean, would you check in to get financial advice from someone who lived on the streets? Would you listen to a "relationship expert" currently on his fifth marriage? Probably not.

Yet here you are, reading my post anyway. Despite the backwards motion happening on my ticker these days. Bless you. Maybe this isn't so much a "weight loss" blog as a forum for sharing our struggles.

So, these are my excuses reasons for what's happened. It's not an excuse. It's just the facts about what's been going on, and the results don't lie.

For one thing, Saturday was my birthday. And you know, you have to celebrate on your birthday, right? Calories don't count if it's your birthday? So, I went overboard there. Also, I had to work that same day. Had to work early. And I hadn't slept well the night before. And there was free food. Free Krispy Kreme donuts, free chocolate chip cookies, free popcorn. Lunch was even on the company dime.

I've learned that certain things don't mix well for me and my weight loss success. Being tired and stressed is a surefire way to find myself overindulging in sugar, fat, and caffeine. I know it's not right. I know a nice healthy snack of an apple and peanut butter would probably do more for my energy level. (Or just sleeping to begin with, but whatever.) But when I'm in that situation, exhausted and knowing I have a looooong day ahead, it seems like the best way to survive the day is a giant diet soda and some chocolate.

Plus, you know, it's been raining. So, I haven't walked for three days. (Ignore the treadmill behind the green curtain also.) X and I came home from buying groceries yesterday, and I lamented how we just couldn't walk today since it was pouring. About that time I looked up and saw two of my neighbor ladies walking down the road, as they do twice a day every day, both carrying umbrellas. I have an umbrella. I still didn't walk yesterday.

I did in fact have four "perfect days" in a row, where I followed my plan exactly. Then I had three days in a row where I did nothing. Missed my vitamin, didn't drink a drop of water, I mean, it was sad.

So, there you have it. This is why I find myself another year older, and not a pound lighter. Oh, and I have PMS. Which is a whole other excuse reason.


Karen M. Peterson said...

I think writing about the struggles is just as helpful as writing about the successes. We all go through it. It's a journey. And knowing that other people out there struggle through like I do helps. It's also motivating to see the and to see which ones are totally reasonable and which ones maybe need to be rethought a little.

Tara said...

You know what? I'd rather read a weight loss blog where the ticker goes backwards, then one where the author ignores the ticker all together and pretends everything is fine.

Struggles are part of weight loss and while I don't like hearing that someone is having a hard time, it makes me feel less alone when I'm having a hard time.

You can do this Janet! And I'll be here to read about it when you do! Or don't! Whatever.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, it's a relief to read a blog where every entry isn't a victory. I mean, I'm truly energized by and in awe of people who can drop pounds week by week, but it makes me feel like my own efforts are flimsy. So, I'm right there in the struggle with you! A forum for sharing how to cope is great.