I'm settling back into my exercise routine, and I had an awesome yoga class today. I found a new place, and I'm liking it a bit better than where I'd been going. The environment is more yoga friendly (as opposed to the community center which is just a huge gym), and the class is earlier. I'd rather leave work a bit early and be done with my day at 5:30 than work until 5:00 and then have to wait around for yoga at 6:30. I don't get home until 8:00 then, IF I can make myself go to begin with.
Anyhow, this teacher almost always has us do some handstand stuff against the wall, and I never try it. But I decided I would try today. And then she didn't do it! But, she did have us do wheel at the end, also known as a back bend. I haven't done that in years. Today I decided, well, heck, if she isn't going to do the handstands, I'll try wheel. And I did it! For a few seconds, but still. I did it!
And then I ate the first strawberry out of my garden. This strawberry:
Isn't it gorgeous? And I GREW it.
I grew a strawberry, and I did a wheel. I'm all kinds of awesome today.